Saturday, April 19, 2008

Spring Soccer

Bryson had his first soccer game for the Spring Season this morning. It was supposed to be on Tuesday, but the snow canceled the game and Bryson was devestated.
The coach asked the kids what their team name wanted to be and Bryson spoke up and said he wanted their name to be Cougars. The other teammates didn't like that so someone else made a suggestion. Then Bryson suggested that the team name be UCLA Bruins. They voted that one down also. They finally decided on the tigers. I guess we know which teams Bryson likes the most!!
Bryson did really well, he went after the ball instead of running around it and he scored the first two goals. His team is really strong and they won 12-0. Bryson was so excited about his goals and assists

Bryson with his game face on to scare the other team.

Carley wanted to play so during half time Dad played with her.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on your first game of the spring season.

Athack77 said...

Good day for a game, much better than Tuesday. I love Bryson's game face!