Things have been busy around here the past month and I haven't had time to blog. I have decided to do an update for each of the kids over the next few days. Bryson has lost his two bottom teeth in the month of November.

He lost his first tooth November 9th and his second one on November 23rd. He was so excited for the tooth fairy to come.

(this picture is with the second tooth really loose and being pushed down by his tongue, about 2 hours later the tooth fell out. )
Also both of his permanent teeth are already starting to come in.
We got some snow on November and Bryson was outside playing before school started.

Carley had a dance recital and at the end Santa came so he got to go sit on Santa's lap.

Last In-N-Out finally opened in Orem the middle of the month and we finally went today for lunch. Bryson loves the hamburgers.

Bryson loves school and is doing so well. He loves to read and is on reading level M which is 3rd grade reading level. He also loves to write. He writes us notes all the time telling us he loves us. But we have also get some notes telling us that we don't love him because we sent him to time out. It makes us laugh. Bryson is such a fun kid and a great joy in our family.