First a picture of Dawnelle's flowers. We have been waiting a long time to see what they would look like and here they are!.

Bryson's birthday cake. It was a couple trackers moving dirt. He liked it so much he had to play with before we ate it. He pushed the ground oreo cookies around just like dirt.

Who can guess what this is?

Well my trip to Alaska got posponed to next year due to complications with United. Long story short we ended up going to visit the family out in Denver, Colorado.

Here is a picture of one of our many stops along the way at Vail pass (elev. 10666 ft)

Bryson also learned to swim a little while out there. Here is a picture of him kicking (real hard) water on his instructor Kelly. He loved swimming, and even jumped off the diving board by himself. He didn't like the cold water on the last day. He also loved lying on the warm cement to get warm.
When we got home we found TONS of vegitables in our garden. Our neighbors said they had given some away but there were still plenty to be had.
We have picked a few tomatos, but hope to have more real soon!

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