Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Jimmer and Bryson

So this post is a little out of order and I really need to catch up on spring break first, but it goes so well with the previous post that I just had to post it. Last Wednesday night we attended a graduation party at the Provo marriot with eric's mom who was graduating with a Masters in Social work. We were eating cake and taking pics when some girls came in and said that Jimmer was out in the lobby. Of course Bryson and I had to go and investigate. Yes he was in the lobby. He was taking pictures with someone else and I told Bryson to stand to the side and wait. Bryson didn't even have to ask him for a picture. Jimmer walked right up to Bryson and I was able to take a picture - that was after I turned my camera on. It had turned of automatically and I didn't realize it. Luckily I had a moment to turn it on and take two pics. Bryson is smiling one of my favorite smiles for him. He was so excited and couldn't stop talking about it for days. We still don't know why Jimmer was there that night, but Bryson was happy.

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