Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Christmas Lights

It seems like it has been forever since I have posted a blog. Not much is going on in our life to post.
Last weekend eric put up the Christmas lights for me. I was so thankful. Since eric was up on the roof, Bryson decided that he wanted to get up also. He was scared at first, but then he had fun. He then wanted to get down, so I helped him down, but once he was down he wanted to get back up and eric was in the middle of hanging them so he couldn't get back up.


Anne Marie said...

That's awesome that you let your son join his dad up there. Love the pics. Hope you have a great Thanksgiving.

Papa Randy said...

Puting your lights up early means Santa will come for sure and bring lots and lots of presents.

Jill Manning said...

Hey Dawnelle, I just saw your comment and found this apron pattern that I think it is just what you are looking for. A friend of mine, did this same one but made up her own pattern for it, so if you don't feel like spending the money for this one, know that it is totally doable without one. Here is the link for the pattern: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=14798091
and here is the link to how my friend did hers:
I hope this helps!!! Happy Apron Making!